The Management of Postoperative Pain

Multidisciplinary collaboration coupled with the use of multimodal strategies has enabled the tailoring of treatment plans based on the patient’s medical status and type of surgery.

Mood Interventions May Curb Crohn’s, Colitis Pain

Researchers suggest that measures aimed at improving mood could reduce inflammation and potentially provide an alternative treatment or one that works alongside inflammatory bowel disease medications.

Infective Endocarditis Diagnosis and Management

Many patients with this life-threatening bacterial infection present with nonspecific symptoms that prompt a broad medical workup to rule out other potential sources of infection.

Current and Emerging Treatments for Large B-Cell Lymphoma

The focus of new agents for treating this malignancy has been on patients with relapsed or refractory disease, which carries a poor prognosis and short life expectancy.

Pharmacists’ Vital Role in Identifying and Reporting Child Abuse

Awareness of how to recognize and report adverse childhood events helps break generational cycles of abuse, thereby protecting the most vulnerable members of society.

Seasonal Affective Disorder

This complex psychiatric condition can significantly impact individuals who experience symptoms, and pharmacists play a pivotal role in treatment interventions.


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