"Passed the MPJE on the first try!! All thanks to PharmLaw! I found that the PharmLaw study guide was SOOO helpful in my review! The best investment in study materials that I made!"

– PharmLaw user, passed on first attempt

PharmLaw was created by pharmacists like YOU to provide comprehensive study materials to prepare you for the MPJE. PharmLaw allows you to test your pharmacy law knowledge, both state-specific and federal, to make sure you will pass the exam.

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How It Works

  • Begin Studying

    Your PharmLaw access includes study guides for state, federal, and compounding, 200 quiz questions (a mix of state and federal), 50 bonus compounding questions, 50 bonus federal questions, and flash cards on schedules of controlled substances. Your access is good for 6 months from the date of purchase. Studying this material will equip you with the knowledge needed to pass the MPJE!

  • Take Practice Quizzes

    The 200 quiz questions are divided up into 4 quizzes of 50 questions each, and are a mix of federal and state-specific questions, just like the MPJE. This allows you to gauge your progress and discover areas for improvement. The quizzes reveal the correct answers as well as explanations immediately upon answering. Take the quizzes as many times as needed to get prepared!

  • Pass the Exam!

    After receiving your results from your official MPJE, let us know how you did! We love hearing positive feedback from our users. Didn't pass? Send us an email of your exam results and get your money back, guaranteed! See Terms and Conditions for full details. We are pharmacists too, we're in this with you and we only succeed when you succeed!


  • "The exam went well for me & I was able to get thru most of it confidently this time, I finally passed! It's such a relief for me now because it was my last attempt remaining. I seriously cannot thank you enough!! The work you guys put into making questions with answers directly from the law helped me a lot when I was unable to understand things on my own. I plan on hopefully purchasing the NY course as well, I sincerely appreciate all the help & support you've given to me. Your course is amazing!"

    -2024 PharmLaw user, passed on 1st attempt

  • "I wanted to let you guys know that I passed my MPJE using your question bank on my first attempt! Thank you for much for the material and for being responsive to my questions I had while studying!"

    -2024 PharmD graduate, passed on 1st attempt

  • "PharmLaw was a very useful tool to get started on MPJE studying. Everything was summarized very concisely and make studying law a lot easier to digest! Thank you!"

    -2024 PharmD graduate, passed on 1st attempt

  • "I took my MPJE and passed! I’m so happy! And grateful for PharmLaw!! I just recommended it to a pharmacist that reached out to me."

    -2023 PharmLaw user, passed on 1st attempt

  • "PharmLaw was a tremendous help for my preparation for 3 different states of MPJE. The explanations were very detailed and the questions were very well constructed questions. The state-specific law PDF was a great resource as well. If I ever have to take another MPJE, then PharmLaw will be my go-to resource."

    -2023 PharmD graduate, passed on 1st attempt

  • "PharmLaw helped me be so prepared for the exam as their package covered everything I needed to pass. Worth every $ and will definitely be purchasing their package for my coming MPJEs! Thank you PharmLaw!"

    -2023 PharmD graduate, passed on 1st attempt

  • "PharmLaw gave me confidence going into the MPJE that helped me pass on the first try! The practice questions give you an idea of what the MPJE will be like as well as give you the resources to study up on areas you are weak in. Thank you PharmLaw!"

    -2022 PharmD graduate, passed on 1st attempt

  • "Thank you so much for PharmLaw! My friend and I used the quizzes, and we both passed the MPJE! This is a fantastic resource for anyone studying for their state law exam."

    -2022 PharmD graduate, passed on 1st attempt

  • "PharmLaw was not just a quiz for me. It was an incredible study resource!"

    -2021 PharmD graduate, passed on 1st attempt

  • "PharmLaw is a great resource to help prepare for the MPJE, it really prepared me for the types of questions and the questions were also representative of the content on the exam. I honestly think this product is worth $75 to $100 at least. I passed the exam and I believe PharmLaw really contributed to my success."

    -2021 PharmD graduate, passed on 1st attempt

  • "I am so thankful that I found PharmLaw! This test question bank was a life saver with its explanations for missed questions coming straight from the law book. It allowed me to understand the context so I could correctly answer any question on that subject, as opposed to trying to memorize exact answers. Totally worth the price!"

    -2021 PharmD graduate, passed on 1st attempt