PGY-1 Pharmacy Resident
University of Southern California, Los Angeles Outpatient Clinics
Luke Schwerer is a Doctor of Pharmacy candidate, Class of 2023 at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Luke joined Dr. Shiyanbola’s lab during the Summer of 2020 after his first year of pharmacy school. As a student with career goals within the field of global health, he values the opportunity to engage with individuals in underserved communities. Luke deeply appreciates the focus of Dr. Shiyanbola’s work on culturally unique patient populations and how to improve access to care. His current project in the lab is focused on integrating the role of peer-support to improve diabetes self-management for African Americans.
After graduating, Luke plans to pursue a residency with a focus in infectious disease or ambulatory care while still supporting his interest in research. One of his ambitions include working internationally with organizations such as Doctors without Borders in settings with limited resources. Beside from his schoolwork and research, he enjoys playing trumpet, exercising outside, and traveling.