Health Services Pharmacist
Disclosure(s): No financial relationships to disclose
Lisa A. Hillman, Pharm.D., Ph.D., BCACP is a pharmacist currently practicing as a Health Services Pharmacist in an urban pharmacy with Walgreens. She earned her Doctor of Pharmacy from the University of Minnesota in 2006 where she also completed her Doctor of Philosophy in Social and Administrative Pharmacy in 2023. She has over ten years of pharmacy practice experience in retail, specialty pharmacy, and ambulatory care. Her former practice experience includes a specialty pharmacy affiliated with a nonprofit, urban, integrated health system and a medication therapy management practice embedded within an academic nephrology practice. Her graduate student portfolio includes broad teaching experiences in the patient care laboratory, pharmacotherapy courses, on-line undergraduate pharmacy and health care, and graduate level courses in social and behavioral health. Her research portfolio encompasses a variety of nationally and locally funded studies in qualitative, survey, and implementation science. Her doctoral thesis is an in-depth qualitative exploration of African American women’s experiences with medications who were living with chronic diseases related to kidney disease and was awarded a doctoral dissertation fellowship from the University of Minnesota. She has given numerous conference presentations at local (National Kidney Foundation Primary Care conference), national (American Public Health Association), and international settings (International Social Pharmacy Workshop). She has authored publications in the areas of medication experience, medication-related disparities, patient-centered care, and pharmacogenomics. As a pharmacist, researcher, and educator, she is passionate about empathizing with the lived experiences of patients with their medications and building authentic relationships centered on these experiences to meet patients where they are and engage them in their care. She is dedicated to the exploration of her experience conducting research within a cross-cultural context to gain a deeper understanding, personally and professionally, of its importance to conducting socially just research studies and delivering equitable healthcare to all.