Associate Professor
University of Maryland School of Pharmacy
Dr. Deanna Tran is an associate professor of the Department of Practice, Sciences, and Health Outcomes Research. She serves as the co-director of the Pharmacy Practice Laboratories, and an advisor of the APhA-ASP chapter at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy.
She currently practices as a Clinical Pharmacist at the University of Maryland Family & Community Medicine. She was previously a clinical pharmacist in an interprofessional care transitions clinic (2017-2019) and antithrombosis center (2015-2017), as well as a clinical programs consultant for Giant Pharmacy (2013-2015). Her research and practice interests include immunizations, community engagement, community-based pharmacy advanced clinical services, and scholarship of teaching.
She currently serves as President of the Maryland Pharmacists Association (MPhA, 2022-2023) and APhA-APPM Member at large (2022-2024). She has been active in APhA, including serving as Coordinator of the Immunizing Pharmacists SIG and Member at large of the New Practitioner Advisory Committee.
Recent awards include APhA APPM Fellow (2023), 40 Under 40 from the Baltimore Business Journal (2021), APhA-ASP National Outstanding Chapter Advisor Award (2019), and the MPhA Mentor Award (2018).
She graduated from the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy and completed a PGY1 Community-Based Pharmacy Residency from Virginia Commonwealth University/Martin’s Pharmacy.