PhD, PharmD.
Prescription Drug Misuse Education and Research (PREMIER) Center, University of Houston College of Pharmacy, Houston, TX.
Dr. Varisco is an assistant professor in the Department of Pharmaceutical Health Outcomes of Policy and Assistant Director for Research Development in the Prescription Drug Misuse Education and Research Center at the University of Houston College of Pharmacy. Dr. Varisco is a registered pharmacist and a trained health services researcher. He holds a Doctor of Pharmacy from the University of Texas at Austin and a PhD in Pharmaceutical Health Outcomes and Policy from the University of Houston College of Pharmacy. His research focuses primarily on evaluating and improving the quality of care for persons with opioid use disorder. In his prior work, Dr. Varisco has leveraged a variety of primary and secondary data techniques to identify and ameliorate systemic barriers to prevention, treatment, and harm reduction service delivery in provider offices and pharmacies. His work on treatment persistence was used to support elements of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's updated opioid prescribing guideline. He is currently a co-investigator on the Texas Improved Dissemination and Evaluation of Single Use Disposal Systems (TIDES), a multi-year project funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and the Texas Health and Human Services Commission. Since 2018, TIDES has distributed over 300,000 single use drug disposal products across the state of Texas leading to the destruction of over 5,000 pounds of unwanted or unused medications.