PGY1 Community-Based Pharmacy Resident
Albertsons Companies
Kathleen Dempsey, PharmD PGY1 Pharmacy resident with ACME pharmacy and Temple University School of Pharmacy. She is from Newtown, Pa and graduated from Duquesne University School of Pharmacy. She chose the ACME community pharmacy residency in order to pursue her passion for direct patient care. She understands that community pharmacy is rapidly changing and wants to be at the forefront of providing meaningful and novel patient care services to help improve the health and safety all members of the community. Short term her goal is to complete this PGY1 residency and potentially a PGY2 residency in ambulatory care. She also wants to become board certified in ambulatory care after residency and work in an clinic or in a primary care physician’s office. Her long-term goals are to be an adjunct professor at a pharmacy school, pharmacy school preceptor, and manager of a pharmacy clinic.