Pharmacist Attitudes and Behaviors
Leadership style and emotional intelligence among pharmacists and the relationship to prescription expedited partner therapy (RxEPT) approach
Corey J. Plakosh, BSPS
Pharm.D. Candidate, class of 2026
St. John Fisher University, Wegmans School of Pharmacy, United States
Corey J. Plakosh, BSPS
Pharm.D. Candidate, class of 2026
St. John Fisher University, Wegmans School of Pharmacy, United States
Martha Poe
Public Health Pharmacy Fellow
St. John Fisher University, Wegmans School of Pharmacy, United States
Christine R. Birnie, RPh, PhD
Dean and Professor
St. John Fisher University
Rochester, New York, United States
Kelly M. Conn
PhD, MPH, Associate Professor
Department of Pharmacy Practice and Administration St. John Fisher University, United States
Kelly M. Conn
PhD, MPH, Associate Professor
Department of Pharmacy Practice and Administration St. John Fisher University, United States